This message was prepared by Basil Jackson, Beta Pi ’13, Chapter Advisor to Beta Pi chapter, and is of the utmost importance to the continued success of Pi Kappa Alpha at the University of Pennsylvania:


For those of you who may not know me, I am Basil (Bas) Jackson, a 2013 initiate and Beta Pi’s current Chapter Advisor. 

I write to share some deeply sad news and to ask for your help. 

Due to a combination of low membership numbers, low member engagement, and Penn’s new housing policies, come next fall, it seems certain that we will have too few committed undergraduates to retain our right to live in the house.

While this news has been a long time coming, I know it will come as a surprise to many of you. It is deeply disappointing but also presents us with a challenge and a unique opportunity as we approach Founders’ Day. 

For those brothers who may have drifted away from the light of Pike after years of engagement, this is a moment to show your commitment, reconnect with your fellow brothers, and reintegrate yourself into the fold. 

More than ever, now is to the time to show up for Founders’ Day April 5th to honor one another but also reignite the connections that will help us weather the storms that may come and return to prominence at Penn as quickly as possible. An invitation from the Beta Pi Alumni Association with details will follow this message. Please respond ASAP

I understand there may be questions or comments about what has occurred. Please feel free to reach to myself (813-758-9813), Kaden Stenger (304- 995-1079) or Bruce Wolfson (917-363-2954). 

We hope to see you in Philly on April 5th!

In the Bonds,


Basil Jackson
Chapter Advisor
Beta Pi Chapter

: As of the date of publication, we still have no definitive resolution of the status of the house or the undergraduate chapter next year or beyond. We should know more by Founders, Day. Regardless, it is apparent that we will need more and younger alumnus involvement if Beta Pi is to survive and prosper in the future. Founders’ Day is the ideal time to step up and join us.