If you are reading this, most likely you have had a positive experience at Pi Kappa Alpha’s Beta Pi chapter. Reading our eLetters and Slices of Beta Pi indicates your interest in learning what is happening on Penn’s campus, how the Beta Pi brothers and the chapter house are doing, and what is happening with Beta Pi alumni.
A small group of Beta Pi alumni enable the Beta Pi Alumni Association to continue a strong communications program. The Beta Pi A.A. is always looking for donors. However, even if you do not donate money, you can do your part to keep Beta Pi healthy. There are a variety of avenues available to support your fraternity.
The active brothers at Penn are always looking for new members. Whether you are a recent graduate, or many years removed from your graduation, you may come across fine young men entering Penn. Please take the time to send the Beta Pi A.A. their names. You will be doing both your fraternity and the entering student a good deed.
The Beta Pi A.A. is always seeking news of our alumni and providing much appreciated assistance in helping our undergraduate brothers. We need alumni who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise in certain professions with our undergraduate brothers. Or, your contribution to Beta Pi could be in the form of a brief letter, chapter story, bit of news, photos, etc. concerning your fraternity years and/or current events and accomplishments in your life or pertaining to a fraternity brother. These contributions keep our brotherhood connected and strong.
Whether you choose providing the names of potential candidates for brotherhood, mentoring, news, etc., send it in an email to Morty Cohen ’65 at [email protected]. Put “Beta Pi” in the subject line. Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Give something back to the fraternity that meant so much to you.