When looking back on his decision to pledge Pi Kappa Alpha, Steve Robinson ’77 is open and honest about the fraternity’s top distinguishing characteristic: “The best test files on campus.” Certainly, any applicable statute of limitations has long since expired.
He is a little more tight-lipped, however, on the subject of tall tales and wild times from his time in the house. Asked about funny stories from his fraternity days, he offered only: “Nothing I can repeat here.”
Accounts of any classic college road trips are similarly classified on a need-to-know basis, with Steve simply hinting, “See my answer about funny stories, but think about the Spring Break trips to Florida.” He does fondly recall many hours spent hanging out on the house porch and hopes that the fraternity’s initiation rituals will always survive.
He describes his Pi Kappa Alpha friendships as “mutually supportive,” reporting that there have been several times when brothers have had his back in the years following graduation.
Steve majored in Decision Sciences, “before anyone knew what that was,” as he puts it. He then spent his entire career working in data and analytics in banking, consulting, and enterprise software. He is currently retired and teaching.